We're finally, maybe nearing the end of winter time here in Boston (minus the fact that we have 3-5 inches of snow forecast for tomorrow)! It's almost like I forgot that March is the month in which spring actually begins for most of the country. If you live in New England, you probably see May as a more fitting beginning to spring.
We've lived here just under two years now but I feel like I'm already in the routine of not expecting nice weather until AT LEAST May or June. Summers here are so spectacular that I find myself not even caring! They are 100% worth the wait.
Earlier this week, while looking at the weather in LA and San Francisco for our upcoming California trip (YAAA!), I saw that LA is a consistent 75-80 degrees, clear sunny skies (like, no cloud emojis of any kind). For days on end. Not a change in sight. Is that place REAL?!
That song "Another Day of Sun" from La La Land was not lying.
Meanwhile, here in Cambridge - 40's, 50's at best, sometimes dipping into the 30's and little sunshine.
In the spirit of these cloudy, wet, blah days we're having here in the #UpperRightUSA, I wanted to create a little idea for a nice welcoming entryway. Something that makes you so damn glad that you're home, out of the rain, out of the wind, out of the cold. If you're lucky, there's a cat curled up atop that bench waiting for you, too! Welcome home, guys!!
The warmth of this wood dresser is a unique touch for an entryway. Most people probably don't automatically think of a dresser here, but I'm one for unconventional pieces in spots that are actually functional. Of course, it's not for everyone's entryway! But how great is it to have a place to store your gloves, hats, scarves, umbrellas, bags, SHOES even?! I'm just saying.
I'm always a huge fan of this mirror and it's quirkiness, the texture of this lamp, and this crisp beach scene. This bench has been a favorite for a long time - with it's subtle pattern and interesting shape, it looks so high end but isn't completely ridiculous. A touch of greenery in a simple, clear vase is all you need for a nice welcome touch when you step in the door! Something about eucalyptus these days... It just gets me.
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