warm and cozy entry situation

We're finally, maybe nearing the end of winter time here in Boston (minus the fact that we have 3-5 inches of snow forecast for tomorrow)! It's almost like I forgot that March is the month in which spring actually begins for most of the country. If you live in New England, you probably see May as a more fitting beginning to spring.

We've lived here just under two years now but I feel like I'm already in the routine of not expecting nice weather until AT LEAST May or June. Summers here are so spectacular that I find myself not even caring! They are 100% worth the wait.

Earlier this week, while looking at the weather in LA and San Francisco for our upcoming California trip (YAAA!), I saw that LA is a consistent 75-80 degrees, clear sunny skies (like, no cloud emojis of any kind). For days on end. Not a change in sight. Is that place REAL?!

That song "Another Day of Sun" from La La Land was not lying.

Meanwhile, here in Cambridge - 40's, 50's at best, sometimes dipping into the 30's and little sunshine.

In the spirit of these cloudy, wet, blah days we're having here in the #UpperRightUSA, I wanted to create a little idea for a nice welcoming entryway. Something that makes you so damn glad that you're home, out of the rain, out of the wind, out of the cold. If you're lucky, there's a cat curled up atop that bench waiting for you, too! Welcome home, guys!!

The warmth of this wood dresser is a unique touch for an entryway. Most people probably don't automatically think of a dresser here, but I'm one for unconventional pieces in spots that are actually functional. Of course, it's not for everyone's entryway! But how great is it to have a place to store your gloves, hats, scarves, umbrellas, bags, SHOES even?! I'm just saying.

I'm always a huge fan of this mirror and it's quirkiness, the texture of this lamp, and this crisp beach scene. This bench has been a favorite for a long time - with it's subtle pattern and interesting shape, it looks so high end but isn't completely ridiculous. A touch of greenery in a simple, clear vase is all you need for a nice welcome touch when you step in the door! Something about eucalyptus these days... It just gets me.

Shop below!

a world of my own

What’s next?! That’s a question I’ve been getting pretty constantly the last couple weeks. Some people “get it” (mainly those people are designers also) and sometimes I need to explain a bit more, and that’s totally fine! Here’s the long version. :)

When I signed on with Havenly back in July 2015, I truly had no idea what I’d found. I figured it was a cool premise and maybe I’d give it a go once we moved to Boston from D.C. I would be living in a city where I knew precisely 3 people, all of which I hadn’t seen or spoken to in years, and I had no idea what the design scene was like! I knew I wanted to break the pattern of stressful retail jobs I’d had since graduating, and also knew that office environments were totally not my thing. Getting started on an e-design platform helped me get comfortable with being on my own, working from home, and connecting with clients. I loved what I was doing, and the team behind the company was endlessly talented, supportive, and straight-up awesome (they still are, BTW).

I got to meet tons of clients from across the country that I honestly never would have met without the platform. Some of my work has been featured in pinch-me publications such as GoodHousekeeping, the Boston Globe, Domino, and Houzz! One day I was just sitting on my future mother-in-law’s sofa and grabbed a copy of her Good Housekeeping mag from her coffee table to find SOMETHING I DESIGNED on the second page. I come across my designs as I’m browsing through Pinterest for myself, seeing that people have saved my ideas and boards for their own home projects. My work on Houzz has been shared in articles I can’t even read from multiple different countries across the world! I never dreamed that any of this was possible back in 2015.

I’ve had a great time doing fast-paced design work and forcing myself to come up with ideas on the fly. It’s definitely been a creative test for myself and I’m proud that it was part of my journey! It’s time for a slower pace and blank slate, with a heavy dose of freedom.

I want to spend more time to focus on my clients, their needs, and enjoy the design process again! My clients are special to me -- my people. I want to meet with my clients over coffee and wine to chat about the design ideas I have for their home. I want it to be FUN! I believe in good-quality items and see tons of value in surrounding yourself in beautiful, non-frivolous things. It feels like a world of endless possibilities now that I’m out on my own, and I am so excited to see what happens next, where my ideas take me!

Jeff and I are headed to CALIFORNIA for a week and a half in April and I’m going to be hoarding some inspiration while we’re there. :) As a born and raised East Coaster, this will definitely be an eye-opening experience for me. We’ll be in LA, then doing the Big Sur road trip up to SF (more or less). I can’t wait to frolick in the streets singing “City of Stars.”

Interested in design services now or in the future? I LOVE THAT! Feel free to get in touch, I would love to hear from you!

Photo of my client's perfect Denver front porch (with an amazing view of some huge old trees not shown) courtesy of those awesome kids over at Havenly.