Channeling the Betty

It's no surprise that I'm kind of left out of this era. I wear oxfords and don't understand why only a select few girls like wearing cutesy dresses with heels and rosy pink blush with a lot of mascara, minus the semi-slooty eye make-up. I also don't understand how people have completely forgotten about the magic of Motown and music from the 50's. Yes, times were tough then - like I would know. (the 80's were rough too... wait I missed those also). But come on, ladies. Let's relax with the boyfriend jeans and flannel shirts and bodycon dresses with pumps for a second and concentrate on the one thing guys can't wear. Dresses. Cute ass dresses. Cute ass dresses with cute ass prints! I'm a sucker for an adorable print, which is probably why I own 483290 notebooks (that Target aisle gets me every time). That mint dress on the left has cars zooming, but clearly you were too distracted by how adorable it is.

It's also no surprise that I've been entirely obsessed with ModCloth since I found it a few years ago. The names of every single one of their products is so cheesily thoughtful that it hurts. Sadly, I'm poor (read as "help me I'm poor" line from Bridesmaids) and can't afford them. But, watching Mad Men is kind of like pretending I'm wearing that really cute printed dress with an apron, right? Yup. Betty and I are one in the same. Sassy, classy, a little bit smart assy. Except she's also a little (lotta) bit crazy, but we kind of all are. Especially when we're married to Don Draper. Let's not even go there.

People who know me in real life (hi Corey) know that once the weather gets warm, I hardly ever (aka never) wear anything other than a skirt or a dress. Team No Pants is in full effect once spring comes. The name of this blog was actually inspired by how people (one male in particular) described my style as "precious" since I was forever wearing dresses. I'm also 99% sure all four of these dresses have pockets. So, there's that, too.