Let's just not talk about that time I drove to New England by myself and somehow zoned out and missed the turn for the Delaware Memorial Bridge and ended up in Philly. Let's also not talk about how I took one wrong turn after the GW Bridge and ended up lost in Queens at 4 pm on a Friday afternoon in the summer. I was painstakingly close to throwing up in my car out of nervousness upon realizing I was lost in Queens with 30% iPhone battery. Yeah, that happened.
And finally, let's not talk about the constant paranoia I faced while sitting in traffic for two hours on the Merritt Parkway with antsy rich people going 0-60 in 3 seconds flat behind me as I'm at a standstill. I drive a hatchback, y'all! And my phone is dead. Your massive Jeep rear-ending me is the last thing I need.
But let's definitely talk about New England. Once you get past the city and the crazy of rich folk in Connecticut driving 85 mph on a 55 mph winding road, you reach the land of charm.
When you recently find yourself in a life and career transition, you go on a road trip. Solo. It must be solo. If you bring someone with you, you're just going to appear as needy and weak. Plus, you don't have to tend to someone else's needs.
You want to see that historic landmark in a small colonial town? You do that. You go. You want to go antiquing? Knock yourself out. And definitely check out that flagship Yankee Candle store. Because, why the hell not?
Yes, all of that lobstah roll was devoured. Everything on that plate, minus the lemon. Good eats, y'all. New England's got 'em!
All photos were taken in Deerfield and Northampton (NoHo), Mass. Rarely do I stop and wander around in Massachusetts, but it seems this trip was dedicated to doing just that. Even picked up an antique alarm clock, and managed to talk myself out of buying the pair of vintage pink lamps with the gold accents on them. Self control at it's finest.